Hi! My name is Yiran (Amanda) Wang and I am a rising senior majoring in computer science and minoring in disruptive innovation at USC💡. I was born and raised in Beijing, China🐼, and I moved to Richmond, Virginia✈️, alone to attend high school when I was 13. As a result, I have a deep understanding of different cultures, people, and technology landscapes.
In my junior year of high school, I won my school’s first ever pitch competition following a week of Build-A-Thon and fell in love with building products to solve users' problems. With the passion for entrepreneurship, I decided to major in computer science despite having no prior coding experience👩💻.
Since then, I have been working at a start-up founded by USC alums👥, I have consulted for Series D AI company, contributed to open-source development, developed algorithms to trade stocks📊, TAed for a class, and worked on other coding and business projects. I also led clubs to fundraise money for #BLM and to buy engineering toy sets for underpriveldged kids. See below for more information⬇️.